

Nanocomp has been awarded as the best growth-company in Central Finland by Kauppalehti, a prominent Finnish business daily.

Kauppalehti rewards yearly the most innovative growth companies with the highest earning capacity. Nanocomp was chosen this year due to its innovativeness –the company is a global pioneer in photonics field with a self-discovered technology, which has enabled the mass production of Nanocomp’s sophisticated optical components. Nanocomp was also acknowledged for the magnitude of its global operations. 98% of the company’s business comes from international sales.

Within three years Nanocomp has grown more than 100% in terms of annual sales. A recent capital investment lays ground for continuous growth over the coming years. The company is investing heavily in sales&marketing, R&D as well as production capacity and expects annual growth of 30-50% in the coming years.

Learn more about the award here: